Fluid Inclusions of Granitoids and their Bearing on Mineralization in South Korea

  • Tetsuya, Shoji (Department of Mineral Development Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo) ;
  • Than, Zaw (Department of Mineral Development Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo)
  • 발행 : 1990.04.30


Relation between fluid inclusions and mineralization has been studied for 30 granitoid specimens from 19 localities in South Korea. Polyphase inclusions are found in granitoid specimens of 9 localities. In the vicinities of 6 localities among them occurs any of W, Cu or Fe deposits of the vein-, stockwork-, skarn-or pegmatite-type. On the contrary, no ore deposit is reported near the granitoids characterized by no polyphase inclusion except only one locality. This fact implies that the occurrence of polyphase inclusions is a good indicator for such kinds of mineralization. Ores and country rocks of some of the deposits contain polyphase inclusions in their quartz crystals. The fact that many polyphase inclusions occur in granitoids and ore constituents suggests that highly saline hydrothermal solution played an important role for the formation of such kinds of deposits. On the contrary, the granite and the ore of the Mugug gold deposit have many fluid inclusions, but are free from the polyphase type.
