부산 광안 해수욕장 해수의 Vibrio vulnificus 분포

Distribution of Vibrio vulnificus in Sea Water of Kwangan beach Pusan, Korea

  • KIM Young Man (Institute of Food Science, Dongeui University) ;
  • LEE Byong Ho (Institute of Food Science, Dongeui University) ;
  • LEE Sang Hun (Public Health and Environmental Institute of Pusan) ;
  • LEE Tae Sik (National Fisheries Research and Development Agency)
  • 발행 : 1990.01.01


광안 해수욕장 해수에 대한 Vibrio 패혈증 균의 분포와 해수 환경의 변화에 따른 Vibrio 패혈증 균의 오염도 변화를 측정하여 생선회 식중독의 위생대책 수립에 필요한 자료를 얻고저 1989년 2월부터 11월까지 실험한 결과 8월에만 Vibrio 패혈증균이 검출되었고, 균수는 $2.0\~.0/100ml$6이었다. 이때 해수는 다른 달에 비하여 염도와 pH가 낮았으며 수온과 COD가 높게 나타났다.

To establish an appropriate measure for the prevention of food poisoning from raw fish flesh (sashimi), distribution and population density of Vibrio vulnificus were investigated as environmental factors were changed. The bacteria were detected only in August during the study period from February to November, 1989. The number of bacteria was $2.0\~6.0/100ml$. In August, salinity and pH were low, but water temperature and COD were high as compared to the rest of months.
