동물성(動物性) 섬유(纖維)의 화학적(化學的) 조성분(組成分)이 피복재료(被服材料)의 특성(特性)에 미치는 영향(影響) - I. 한국산(韓國産) 양모(羊毛)의 화학적(化學的) 조성분(組成分) -

  • Published : 1990.05.26


In the present research to evalulate the chemical composition of wool under Korean feeding conditions have been investicated. The experiment was designed two treatments (washed and non-washed wool) and devided inner and outer side wool each treatment. The criteria for evaluation of wool with chemical composition were protein, fat, ash, amino acid and mineral content. The results which were obtained as follows: 1. Average protein content of non-washed and washed wool were 76.05% and 92.31%, respectively. However it was not different in protein content between inner and outer side wool. 2. Average fat content of non-washed and washed wool were 12.43% and 5.77%, respectively. However inner side wool was more fat content than outer side wool. 3. Average ash content of non-washed and washed wool were 10.50% and 0.90%, respectively. However inner side wool was less ash content than outer side wool. 4. Amino acid composition was not different between inner side and outer side wool. However lysine, arginine, proline, and glycine content of inner side wool were higher than those of outer side wool. 5. Mineral content of non -washed wool were higher than those of washed wool. Potassium content of non-washed wool was very high compare with that of washed wool.
