우리벼메뚜기 유충과 성충의 전장 점막상피에 관한 형태학적 연구

Morphological Studies on the Epithelium of the Foregut of the Nymph and the Adult in the Grasshopper, Oxya sinuosa

  • 발행 : 1990.12.01


The morphological characteristics and changes of the foregut in the grasshopper (Oxya sinuosa Mistshenko) have been studied with the special reference to the developmental stage. In light microscope level, the epithelia are seen the cuboidal shape in the 5th instar nymph and the adult. A number of pigment granules are appeared in the cuboidal epithelium of the 5th instar nymph, however the pigment granules were a few in the adult. Indistinct or undifferentiated folds of the epithelial layer were appeared in the 5th instar nymph, whereas the well-developed folds were in the adult. The well-developed muscular layers are seen in the 5th instar nymph, however in the adult the muscular layers are appeared thin or a few layer except the crop. In electron microscope level, in the foregut epithelium, a few round or oval shaped mitochondria, well-developed rER, Golgi complex, lysosome and a number of vacuoles were appeared in the cytoplasm. Two types of pigment granules, electron dense or homogenous and low electron dense or lamellar profiles, are seen in the esophageal epithelium. The crystalline profiles and plasma membrane infoldings were also appeared. In the foregut epithelium of the 5th instar nymph, however the cell organelles were generally undifferentiated and in the crop two types of pigment granules as the adult esophageal epithelium were also found.
