물리문제 해결에 관한 초심자의 프로토콜분석 연구

A Study on Analysis of Novice's Protocol in Solving Physics Problems

  • Bak, Hac-Kyoo (Department of Physics, Woosuk University) ;
  • Kwon, Jae-Sool (Department of Physics Education Korea National University of Education)
  • 발행 : 1990.06.30


In this study, novices' protocols were investigated on the basis of Mayer's analysis of mathematical problem solving. These protocols were obtained by Jae-Sool Kwon and Seong-Wang Lee(1988) by means of thinking aloud while 20 sophomore students in a department of physics education were solving physics problems on Newton's low of motion. The results of investiqation are as follows; (1) We proposed an effective method in analyzing protocols on physics porblem solving (2) We could find the defective types of knowledge of individuals who got an incorrect solution, through analyzing the cause of failure individually (3) The fact that many students considered first the frictional force as muntiplying the coefficient of friction by perpendicular force rather than as resistance of motion, was found And students' misconception on the coefficient of friction was found. (4) If such analyses of test items and protocols are used in physics education, they will be very useful for finding the faults of problem-solving process, and for setting and scoring subjective problems in physics
