Tone 신호방해 하에서의 DS/SFH 복합 확산대역 시스템의 비트오율

Error Probability of a Hybrid DS/SFH Spread-Spectrum System under Tone Jamming

  • 발행 : 1990.05.01


A hybrid DS/SFH spread spectrum system is used to achieve a larger gain in some applications. The probability of error for a hybrid DS/SFH(direct sequence/slow frequency hopped) spread-spectrum system is calculated over a channel which suffers from multiple-tone jamming and additive white Gaussian noise. BPSK(binary phase shift keying) is considered as modulation scheme. The probability of error is computed for various system parameters such as a DS/SFH hybrid ratio, the number of jamming tones, a jamming-to-signal ratio, and a siganl-to-noise ratio. It is shown that a DS system or a SFH system achieves smaller probability of error than a hybrid DS/SFH system for most values of system parameters. However, it is also shown that there are hybrid ratios with which a hybrid DS/SFH system achieves smaller probability of error than a DS system and a SFH system achieve for some values of system parameters.
