Taxonomy and distribution of Corycaeidae (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) in the Korean Waters in Summer

한국 연근해에서 하계에 출현하는 Corycaeidae (Copepoda : Cyclopoida)의 분류 및 분포

  • Published : 1990.06.01


The family Corycaeidae in the neighbouring seas of Korea was taxonomically studied based on the zooplankton samples collected in August, 1986. In this study, nine species belonging to two genera and three subgenera of the Corycaeidae were identified and described with illustrations; Corycaeus (Corycaeus) speciosus, G.(C.) crassiusculus, C. (Ditrichocorycaeus) affinis, C.(D.) andrewsi, C.(D.) erythraeus, C.(Onychocorycaeus) pacificus, c.(O.) catus, C.(O.) agilis, and Farranula gibbula. The distribution patterns of these species showed that C.(D.) affinis appeared to be and indicator species of the coastal waters, and C.(C.) speciosus, C.(C.) crassiusculus, c.(O.) catus, C.(D.) andrewsi, and Farranula gibbula appeared to be indicator species of the warm-oceanic waters.

1986년 8월 한국 연근해에서 출현하는 Corycaeidae를 분류학적으로 연구하였다. 본 연구에서 기재된 종은 2속 3아속 9종으로 Corycaeus (Corycaeus) speciosus, G.(C.) crassiusculus, C. (Ditrichocorycaeus) affinis, C.(D.) andrewsi, C.(D.) erythraeus, C.(Onychocorycaeus) pacificus, c.(O.) catus, C.(O.) agilis, and Farranula gibbula 였다. 각 출현종의 분포를 보면 C. (O) affinis는 연안, 내만성종 의 특성을 나타내었으며, C.(C.) speciosus, C.(C.) crassiusculus, C.(O.) catus, andrewsi C.(D.) catus 및 Farranula gibbbula는 난류, 외양성종의 특성을 나타내었 다.
