A Comparison of the Error Rate Performances of Various Digitally Modulated Signals in the Environment of Tone/Multiple Interferer

톤간섭 및 다중간섭하에서 제반 디지탈 변조신호의 오율특성 비교

  • 공병옥 (한국항공대학 대학원 항공전자공학과) ;
  • 조성준 (한국항공대학 대학원 항공전자공학과)
  • Published : 1990.10.01


The error rate equations of digitally modulated signals transmitted through the Gaussian noise and tone multiple interference channel have been derived. Using the derived equations of error probabilities in the environments of Gaussian noise tone interferer and Gaussian noise multiple interferer, the error rate performances of various digitally modulated signals have been evaluated, and compared in graphs as a function of average carrier to tone interferer power ratio(CIR), average carrier to multiple interferer power ratio(CIT) and the average carrer-to-Gaussian noise powr ratio(CIR). In this paper, the modulation schemes such as amplitude shift keying (ASK), phase shift keying(PSK), frequency shift keying(FSK), minimum shift keying(MSK), quadrature amplitud modulation(QAM) and amplitude phase shift keying(APK) have been selected for the study of performance comparison. The results of comparison show us that, in low bits/sec/Hz, PSK is superior to the other schemes, but in high bits/sec/Hz, mixed multi ary type is better than single multi ary type. And in strong noise evironment, the multiple interferer has much influence than tone interferer, however, in low noise environment. the mojor error factor is tone interferer. But tone interference effect nearly disappears over specified CIR level about 20[dB]. And the modulation schemes using amplitude are heavily influenced by multiple interference.
