주거환경 경험에 관한 사례연구 - 중산층 아파트 거주 주부를 대상으로 -

A Case Study on the Experience of Housing Environment - In the case of Middle class Apartment Residents -

  • 발행 : 1990.09.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the middle-class housewives` experience of housing environment through their own cognitive expressions. Subjects were 18 housewives living in the apartments at Junggye-Dong, Seoul and Field survey method was used. Indepth interview technique with planned questionnaire was used. The contents of individual`s housing life history were recorded by means of a recording machine. Cognitive expressions of subjects ontheir experience of housing environment were analiyzed by Content Analysis. Subjects have respectively experienced various housing types. The housing experiences were classified by stimuli and respones. Stimuli were again classified by the factors and characteristics of housing environment, whereas responses were classified by types and directions. Negative experiences were more frequent than positive ones. Negative evaluations were appeared more frequently In such case as the existence of community facilities, interior structure, bathrooms, and heating systems. The positive emotional experiences appeared more frequently were the natural characteristic$ of outdoors. When all the contents were analyzed by housing types experienced, subjects negatively remembered community facilities in high-rise apartments, and positively outdoors in detached single houses including traditional houses, and negatively heating systems in low-rise apartments and tenement houses. These contents, especially positive and negative aspects of past experience. can be used as basic data to understand residents` reponses and to plan furture houses more desirable for them.
