잔디 초지의 쥐불이 인접한 논의 절지동물군집의 동태에 미치는 영향

Effects of Winter Fire on Arthropoda Communities of Rice Fields

  • 발행 : 1990.10.01


Effects of Zoysia japonica fired in winter on the arthropoda communities in its grassland and rice field was investigated . The results gave indicated that a significant difference between total 15,120 individuals of 4 classes, 11 orders, 47 families, 92 genera and 103 species in the control of Zoysia japonica grassland, and total 1, 404 individuals of 4 classes, 11 orders, 47 families, 53 genera 65 species in the Zoysia japonica grassland fired in winter. Index of similarity of Zoysia japonica grasslands between Kimpo and Yangsuri areas was 0.51. Dominant species of arthropoda communities in Zysia japonica grasstands in Kimpo and Yangsuri areas were Hypogastnua sp. and Proisotorn sp., respectively. The spiders were 9 families and 27 species at Kimpo, and t2 families. and 44 species at Yangsuri, and their dominant species was Gnathonariurn dentaturn at two areas. Laodelphex striatelus in the Zoysia japonica grassland fired in winter was sampled constantly morning, noon and night, hut Gnatlzonariun dentatum was sampled more frequently in the morning than at night. Damage of the spiders in the Zoysia japonica granssland fired in winter was more severe than that of Laodelphcx striatelus .
