강원도 일부지역의 영양섭취실태에 관한 연구

A Study on Nutrient Intakes in Kang Won Province

  • 지의상 (신흥전문대학 식품영양과) ;
  • 김동원 (신흥전문대학 식품영양과)
  • 발행 : 1990.12.01


The survey was conducted for the period from 25 th to 29 th July, 1990. The survey area were selected the mountain area in Kang Won Province. Intake of foods and nutrients of all members in the households surveyed by means of questionnaire was computed based on number of meals a day. On the other hand, daily intake of nutrients by an individual was calculated by sex, age and type of work based on the conversion rate of RDA (Korean Recommended Dietary Allowances for Adult). 1. Status of food intake. The average food intake per person per day in surveyed area was 1103.49 g. The total intake of food was consisted of 44.17% grains, 23.31% vegetables, 10.66% fruits, respectively. These findings led us to the conclusion that people in the surveyed area depended heavily on plant foods. 2. Status of nutrient intake, 1) The average intake of Calorie was 2567.54 Cal Per day, which was slightly higher than 2500 Cal of RDA. 2) The average Intake of protein was 82.92g per day, which was higher than 70g of RDA. Though the quantity was above the RDA, it was largely from plant foods 3) The average intake of calcium was 383.93 mg per day, which was much lower than 500 mg of RDA. 4) The average intake of iron was 11.88 me per day, which was nearly the same quantity as 10 mg of RDA. 5) Intake of vitamin group were high among the inhabitants than recommended by RDA 3. The Kinds of food intake The kinds of food intake in surveyed area were totally 66 different kinds. 4. Economic status. As for the education level, almost of the food handlers finished the primary school and the average monthly income was 364,600 in surveyed area. Households used gas(100%) for fuel.
