Populus 잎절편의 극성분화시 내생 Polyamine의 함량과 Polyamine 생합성 효소의 활성도 변화

Changes in Endogenous Polyamine Levels during Polar Regeneration from Populus Leaf Segments

  • 김성호 (연세대학교 이과대학 생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1990.12.01


Polyamine titers and the activities of arginine decarboxylase(ADC) and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), enzymes which catalyze rate-limiting steps in polyamine biosynthesis, were investigated during polar regeneration of Populus leaf segments. The polar regeneration occurred at the basal cut end of Populus leaf segments through cell division around the vascular bundle. In the process of polar regeneration, the titers of putrescine and spermidine increased rapidly but the content of spermine remained constant. The leaf segments were then divided into three separte part ; the proximal, middle and distal. Spermidine titers showed an increase mainly in the proximal parts where polar regeneration occurred. On the other hand, putrescine titers showed an increase in the other two parts. In the course of polar regeneration, the activities of ADC and ODC increased, the ADC activities being higher than those of ODC. However, ODC activity was higher in the proximal part. Therefore, the spermidine contents and ODC activities are suggested to be related to polar regeneration in Populus leaf segments.
