Phytosociological Classification of Plant Communities on Mt. Halla National park, Korea

漢拏山國立公圓 植物群集의 植物社會學的 分類

  • Yim Yang-Jai (Department of Biology, Chung-ang University) ;
  • Jeong-Un Kim (Department of Biology, Chung-ang University) ;
  • Nam-Ju Lee (Department of Biology, Chung-ang University) ;
  • Yong-Beom Kim (Department of Biology, Chung-ang University) ;
  • Kwang-Soo Paek (Department of Biology, Chung-ang University)
  • Published : 1990.06.01


The forest vegetation of Mt. Halla national park area. Cheju island, Korea, was classified into six associations in three alliances and two associations in unidentified alliances by Z-M school method as follows: Unidentified alliance Saso-Abietetum Koreanae assoc. nov. Acero-Quercion mongoliae Kim et Yim 1988 Hepatico-Quercetum mongolicae assoc. nov. Saso-Carpinioin laxiflorae all. nov. Saso-Carpinetum laxiflorae assoc. nov. Daphniphyllo-Carpinetum tschonoskii assoc. nov. Asaro-Quercetum serratae assoc. nov. Rhododendro-Pinion densiflorae Kim et Yim 1988 Saso-Pinetum densiflorae assoc. nov. pinus thunbergii community Unidentified alliance Ardiso-Torretum nuciferae assoc. nov. Among them one now alliance and seven new associations were found and marked with "nov."
