흉부 외과 영역에서의 개인용 컴퓨터의 이용

Use of personal computer in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery section: proposal for computerization of patient data management system and unification of diagnosis and operation coding system

  • 이정렬김응중 (국군 서울지구병원 흉부외과국군 서울지구병원 흉부외과)
  • Lee, Jeong RyulKim, Eung Joong (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul District Armed Forces General HospitalDepartment of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul District Armed Forces General Hospital)
  • 발행 : 1990.04.01


In recent years there are so many medical informations that surgeons should know to handle or analyze their large amount of surgical cases. Proper use of computer system offers new opportunities for the storage and manipulation of their hospital informations. But little is reported about which system, is appropriate, how much can we do with such a system, or what kind of work can be done with that, especially in the area of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery section. Authors designed a computer-based patient file management system using 16 Bit AT IBM personal computer and dBASE IV program, and developed a coding system for the diagnosis and operation name, which offers the basis for the classification of the surgical patient data. And the result of some experiences which was got from the total surgical cases of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Section, Seoul District Armed Forces General Hospital during past 5years, was described.
