커스프 균열에 대한 열응력세기 계수의 경계요소해석

Bounary Element Analysis of Thermal Stress Intensity Factors for Cusp Cracks

  • 발행 : 1990.04.01


본 연구에서는 선적분화 된 체적력항을 갖는 경계요소법을 이용하여, Griffi- th균열에 대한 열응력세기계수를 구하여 Sumi의 결과와 비교 검토하고, 유무한체내의 대칭 입술형및 대칭 익형 커스프균열들(symmetric lip and airfoil cusp cracks)의 열 응력세기계수를 균열묘면이 단열된 경우와 일정 온도로 유지된 경우에 대해 계산하고 자 한다.

In case that the body with a cusp crack is under uniform heat flow, thermal stress intensity factors are calculated by using boundary element method with linearized body force term. The crack surface is under insulated or fixed temperature condition and the types of crack are symmetric lip and airfoil cusps. Numerical values of thermal stress intensity factors for a Griffith crack and cusp cracks in infinite bodies are proved to be in good agreement within .+-.5% when compared with the previous numerical and exact solutions, respectively. The thermal stress intensity factors for symmetric lip and airfoil cusp cracks in finite bodies are calculated about various effective crack lengths, configuration parameters, and heat flow directions. With the same crack surface thermal boundary conditions, heat flow directions and crack lengths, there are no appreciable differences in variations of thermal stress intensity factors between symmetric lip and airfoil cusp cracks. The signs of thermal stress intensity factors for each cusp crack are changed with each crack surface thermal boundary condition.
