생산직 취업모의 탁아서어비스의 요구 및 그들을 위한 탁아제도에 관한 연구

A Study on the Need of Child-care Service and Child-care Programs for the Working Class Mothers

  • 정민자 (울산대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1990.03.01


The purpose of this study is to inverstigate the need of child care services and child care programs for the working class mothers. We surveyed four Industrial complex (in Seoul, Incheon, Pusan, Ulsan) to collect data. The samples were 282 mothers (Seoul: 95, Incheon: 54, Ulsan: 62, Pusan: 71). The mothers had children under six years of age and they worked at factory for 11 hours. They (65%) rented houses with 1-2 rooms. Their income was not enought to support their family. They were never supported by social network, so they had to work at factory and they need child care services. The mothers had many difficulties of child rearing and early childhood education. They wanted perfect day care programs. They expected it as followings: (1) Day care center placed at factory or near home. (2) The administrater is goverment or employer. (3) It is managed a full time system. (4) It is center-based day care or industrical day care. (5) They share day care expense with employer or goverment. (6) Day care expenses is 35,000 won in case of full time system, 25,000 won in case of half-time system. They desited highly qualifed day care programs, but they would not expense highly cost. So we suggest that goverment and factory employers support the working mothers.
