A Comparative Study on the Relation between the Scholastic Achievement Test and the Intelligence according to the Area - Centering around the Scholastic Achievement Test of University -

지역간(地域間) 학력고사(學力考査)와 지능(知能)에 대(對)한 비교연구(比較硏究) -대학학력고사(大學學力考査)를 중심(中心)으로-

  • 류희영 (원광대학교 한의과대학) ;
  • 김정화 (원광대학교 한의과대학원)
  • Published : 1990.12.30


On the Scholastic Achievement Test grads it was compared Chung Nam's with Cheon Puk by dividing a city, a farm village, a fishing village and a mountine village. The results were as follows ; 1. The regional difference of arerage grades were that the first is a large city, the second amiddle city, the third a mountine villgae, the fourth a fishing village, the last a farm village all the same Chung Nam and Cheon Puk. 2. The grades of acity and a farm of Chung Nam are higher then these of Cheon Puk. 3. Cheon Puk is higher than Chung Nam on a middle city, a mountine and a fishing's grades. 4. The characteristic was that the region of non benefits of civilization effect obstruction of intelligence less than a city mountine village. 5. It is considered that the obstruction of intelligence may diminish when eating marine products at a fishing village than a city-fishing village by side dish. From the above results, acknowledging a regional charater, it is suggested that improrement of food life imitate city shund sublate lest the physiological function of Bie Wee(脾胃) should converse a puthological state, get out of the food life civilization misled abnormal food life to normal. Systemic study must continue for maintaining of tradition of regional difference food life. By that manner excellent food life civilization may creat. Therefore it is recognized that experience accumulation of Oriental Medicine theory also close contact food life, so may make constent effort.



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