수천(水喘) 및 화천(火喘)과 심장성(心臟性) 천식(喘息)에 관(關)한 동서의학적(東西醫學的) 문헌(文獻) 고찰(考察) -(원인(原因).증상(症狀) 중심(中心)으로)-

The Investigation of literature of Driental and western medicine about relation of 'Su-Chun'( ), 'Hwa-Chun'( ) and cardiac rapid respiration

  • 김영태 (경희대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 이형구 (경희대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 정승기 (경희대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Kim, Yung-Tae (Dept. of Internal medicine Graduate School of Oriental medicine Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Lee, Hyung-Gu (Dept. of Internal medicine Graduate School of Oriental medicine Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Jung, Sung-Gi (Dept. of Internal medicine Graduate School of Oriental medicine Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 1990.03.09


The results are as follows through the investigation of literature. 1. The cause of shortness of breath due to fluid retention is abnormal rising of water-evil and it srepregentative symptom are as follows'Cough or dyspnea, shortness of breath-sleeplessness, rapid respiration accused by having rest, edemd on the body and leg' 2. Dyspnea caused by fire-evil is It repregentative symptom are 'getting better or getting worse, reducing by eating rapid respiration accused by eating If having rest the ditalenergy (gui) is made a peace At moving, the vital energy is abrupt or irregalar and acused rapid respiration' 3. From the point of view, the rapid respiration accused by heart usually bring about imperfect left heart Its repregentetive symptom are cyspnea, acute dyspnea at night, bronchial wheezing edema on the leg, and the thing which bring about at moving is mildcase but what bring about at rest is severe case 4. We have known that the symptom of shortness of breath due to fluid retention are similiar to cardiac rapid respiration, and the symptom of dyspnea acused by fire-evil alike 'dyspnea at moving' acused at mild case of cardiac rapid respiration.'



  1. 濟中新編 康命吉
  2. 最新診斷과 治療 金東輝(外)
  3. 病態生理學 金昌種
  4. 鄕藥集成方 世宗命選
  5. 內科學 李文鎬;金鍾暉;許仁穆
  6. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  7. 精校黃帝內經 洪元植(編)
  8. 萬病回春 襲廷賢
  9. 雜病廣要 丹波元堅(編)
  10. 漢醫學臨尙病理 北京中醫院(編)
  11. 中醫內科學 士海中醫學院(編)
  12. 醫學門徑 徐學山
  13. 六科準繩 王肯堂
  14. 中醫內料辨證學 王顯明
  15. 萬病醫藥顧問 陸靑節
  16. 東垣十種醫書 v.下一八 李東垣
  17. 醫學入門 李梃
  18. 類證治裁 林珮琴
  19. 景岳全書 張介賓
  20. 金匱要略 v.第二編 二卷 張仲景
  21. 醫學哀中參酉錄 張錫純
  22. 丹溪心法 朱丹溪
  23. 中醫急症大成 黃星垣(編)
  24. 黃氏醫書八種 黃元御
  25. Manual of Car-diovaseular Diahnosis and Therapy Joseph S. Alpert;James M. Rippe
  26. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment Krupp;Chatton;Werdegar