대두분 첨가 압출면의 제면특성

Making characteristics of extruded noodles mixed with soybean flour

  • 박우포 (서울대학교 식품공학과) ;
  • 김재욱 (서울대학교 식품공학과)
  • Park, Woo-Po (Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Ze-Uook (Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1990.09.30


압출면의 영양강화 목적으로 대두분을 소맥분과 섞어 점도 특성을 고찰하고, 압출면을 제조할 후 조리시험, 조리면의 조직감시험 및 관능정사 결과 대주분 첨가비율이 증가함에 따라 복합분의 점도, 조리면의 조직감 및 조리품질은 저하하였다. 대두분 10% 첨가 압출면에 각종 첨가제의 첨가효과를 보면, 첨가제의 첨가량이 증가함에 따라 점도는 증가하였으며, 첨가제 중에서는 xanthangum이 가장 효과적이었다. 조직감에 있어서는 Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 2.0%, guar gum 2.0%, xanthan gum 1.0%에서 밀가루면과 비슷한 값을 나타내었으며, 관능검사도 이와 유사한 결과를 보였다.

For the improvement of the nutritive value of extruded noodles, soybean flour(SF) was mixed with wheat flour. The effects of the addition of SF on the viscosity of wheat flour and the quality of cooked noodles were evaluated. As the proportion of SF addition was increased, the viscosity of composite flour was decreased, And so were the texture and cooking quality of noodles. To improve noodle-making characteristics of extruded noodles with 10% SF, Na-alginate, Na-car-boxymethyl cellulose, guar gum, crude gluten and xanthan gum were added. Then, the noodlemaking characteristics were examined. The viscosity increased with the increase in the concentration of additives and xanthan gum was the most effective. The texture of noodles supplemented by Na-alginate 2.0%, Na-carboxymeihyl cellulose 2.0%, guar gum 2.0%, xanthan gum 1.0% was similar to that of wheat flour noodles. The results of sensory test(color and texture) was coincidal with the results of instrumental tests.
