Applied Biological Chemistry
- Volume 33 Issue 1
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- Pages.93-100
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- 1990
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- 2468-0834(pISSN)
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- 2468-0842(eISSN)
Factors Affecting Electrofusion of Plant Protoplasts
식물 Protoplast의 전기자극 융합에 관여하는 인자
- Han, Sung-Kyu (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Cheju National University) ;
- U, Zang-Kual (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Cheju National University) ;
- Kang, Soon-Suon (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Cheju National University) ;
Riu, Key-Zung
(Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Cheju National University) ;
- Oh, Sung-Gug (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Cheju National University)
- Published : 1990.03.31
The optimum conditions of electric stimulation for electrofusion of protoplasts of petunia, carrot and soybean, and the effects of calcium, magnesium, protease, trypsin, triton X-100, concanavalin A, dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO), glycerol monooleate and spermine on fusion frequency and/or viability of petunia protoplast were investigated. The optimum frequencies(Hz)-amplitudes(V/cm) of AC Pulse for protoplast pearl-chain formation were 10 kHz-20 V/cm and 1 MHz-60 V/cm for petunia, 100 kHz-40 V/cm and
Petunia, 당근 및 대두의 Protoplast를 전기자극법으로 융합시킬 때의 적정 전기자극 조건과, petunia protoplast의 융합율 그리고 또는 viability에 대한 calcium, magnesium, pretense, trypsin, triton X-100, concanavalin A, dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO), glycerol monooleate 그리고 spermine의 영향을 조사하였다. Protoplast pearl chain 형성을 위한 교류의 주파수와 전압은, Petunia의 경우 10kHz-20 V/cm와 1 MHz-60 V/cm, 당근의 경우에 100 kHz-40 V/cm와