도시주부의 갈등에 대한 실사례분석 연구-20명의 심층면접을 중심으로-

Mental Confliets Urban Korean Housewives A Qualitative Analysis of 20 Interviews

  • 발행 : 1989.09.01


This study analysed marital comflicts, related factors, and adjustments to those conflicts described by urban Korean women. The purpose was to discover directions for resolution that would enhance the helpfulness of volunteers or prfessionals working with women in counselling settings. The investigator interviewed 20 married women, all mothers and housewives living in Seoul, attending marriage encounter programs and the Lifeline telephone counselling service. An interview schedule using six open-ended questiona guided the data colleciton which took place between May 31 and December 29, 1988. Content analysis of the data revealed, in order of reported frequency, the following areas of conflict: relationships between husband wife, relationships with children, relationships between the wife and her mother-in-Law, unsatisfied sexual needs, the husband's extra marital relationships, lack of self actualization and finacial matters. Analysis of the data suggested the following factors were related to the conflicts: reasons for marriage, traditional views about marriage and divorce including to accept a marriage arranged by the parents, the husband's traditonal attitude toward the sex role of the wife, the husband's patriarchical authoritarianism, and his attitude toward the wife;s empolyment outside the home. The women thought these conflicts severely affected their relationships within the famaily, particularly with their children. Literature suggests links with such poor parent-child-family relationships and adolescent or young people's social problems. Volunteers or professionals working with married women in counselling situation need to be conscious of the possibility of these conflict during assessment, and direct their guidance toward such conflict resolution. The researcher makes several suggestions which include the need for the husband to give emotional supports to his wife, to recognize the worth of housework, to share the work of the home, to fine ways to enhance the wife's self-actualization and to ease dreary housework routines by prviding modern appliances.
