부산시 영세지역 취업여성들의 영유아 양육실태

Child Rearing Practice of Working Mothers in a Poor Area of Pusan

  • 황연자 (경북대학교 보건대학원) ;
  • 박정한 (경북대학교 보건대학원)
  • Hwang, Yeon-Ja (Graduate School of Public Health, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Park, Jung-Han (Graduate School of Public Health, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 1989.09.01


도시 영세지역 취업여성들의 자녀양육에 어떤 문제점이 있는지 알아보기 위해 부산시 연산3동 영세민지역에 거주하는 여성 가운데 6세미만의 어린이가 있는 201명을 (비취업여성 150명, 취업여성 51명) 가정 방문하여 미리 준비된 설문지를 이용하여 1989년 4월 10일부터 1989년 5월 10일까지 어머니들과 직접 면접조사하였다. 취업여성들의-78.5%가 경제적 이유 때문에 취업하고 있었으며 31.4%가 주당 60-69시간을 근무하고 있었고 평균 월 수입이 10-19만원인 여성이 33.4%, 20-29만원이 25.4% 였다. 자녀들의 생후 6개월이내의 영양방법은 비취업여성의 66.0%가 모유를 준데 비해 취업여성에서는 49.0%로 취업여부와 수유방법 사이에 통계적으로 유의한 상관관계를 나타내었다(p<0.05). 모유수유를 하지 않은 이유는 비취업 여성은 58.9%가 젖이 부족해서 인데 비해 취업여성의 63.6%가 직장때문이었다. 자녀연령에 맞추어 접종해야 할 기본예방접종은 비취업여성의 82.0%가 완료된데 비해 취업여성은 70.5%가 완료되었으나 접종 여부와 취업여부와는 통계학적으로 유의한 상관관계는 아니었다. 자녀사고 경험률은 비취업여성이 17.3%인데 비해 취업여성은 23.5% 였으며, 사고의 종류는 비취업여성에서는 칼이나 장난감을 갖고 놀다가 다친 외상이 34.6%, 낙상이 26.9%인데 비해 취업여성은 교통사고, 낙상이 각각 25.0%였는데 교통사고는 14세 이하의 형이나 언니가 돌보는 중에 일어난 것이 많았다. 자녀사고 발생시 어머니가 하고 있었던 일은 비취업여성의 73.1%가 집에 있었는데 비해 취업여성의 경우 어머니가 직장에 있는 동안 사고가 난 경우가 58.3%였다. 취업여성들의 자녀관리방법은 집안의 어른(친척이나 조부모)이 돌보는 경우가 58.7%로 가장 많았고 14세이하의 형이나 언니가 돌보는 경우가 15.7%였으며 자녀관리자 없이 혼자 두는 경우가 3.9% 였다. 비취업여성중 48.0%가 아이를 맡길수만 있으면 취업하겠다고 하였다. 따라서 영세민의 경제적 자립을 도모하고 영유아의 보호와 건강증진을 위해 큰 경제적 부담없이 믿고 맡길 수 있는 탁아소나 유아교육시설이 절실히 요구된다고 하겠다.

To identify the problems in child rearing practice of employed mothers in urban poor area, all of 201 women with children under 6 years old living in Yun San 3 Dong, a poor area of Pusan city, were interviewed with a questionnaire by a trained interviewer from 10th April to 10th May 1989. Among 201 women, 51 women were employed and 150 women were unemployed. Of the employed mothers 78.5% got their jobs because of economical need and 31.4% of them worker for 60-69 hours per week. Their average monthly income was 100,000-190,000 Won in 33.4% and 200,000-290,000 Won in 25.4% Breast milk was fed in 66.0% of the children of unemployed mothers while 49.0 of the children of the employed mothers were breast-fed (p<0.05). The most common reason for not breast feeding was shortage of breast milk among unemployed mothers (58.9%) but that of the employed mothers was their job(63.6%). The basic immunization for children was completed in 70.5% of children of employed mothers as compared with 82.0% of the children of the unemployed mothers were completely immunized (p>0.1). Accident experience rate of children among the employed mothers was 23.5 a and that of the children of the unemployed mothers was 17.3% . The most common cause of acident in children of the unemployed mothers was carelessness while they were playing(34.6%) but in children of the employed mothers it was traffic accident(25.0%) and falling(25.0%). Most of the traffic accidents took place while the children's brother or sister of age under 14 years were baby sitting. When the accident took place 73.1% of the unemployed mothers were just at home, but 58.3% of the employed mothers were out of home for work. In case of the employed mothers, 58.7% of their children were looked after by an adult mainly grandparents, 15.7% by the children's brothers and sisters under 14 years old, and 3.9% of the children were left alone. A majority of the unemployed mothers wanted to get a job if someone could take care of their children. To facilitate the women employment and for the safety and health of the children, good nurseries for working mothers need to be established at a cost they can afford.
