국제(國際)테러리즘의 억제(抑制)와 처벌(處罰)에 관한 연구(硏究) -중국민항기(中國民航機) 공중납치사건(空中拉致事件)을 중심(中心)으로-

A Study on the Suppression and Punishment of International Terrorism

  • 여영무 (동아일보 조사연구실, 한국항공법학회)
  • Yoh, Yeung-Moo (The Security & Unification Insitute, The Dong-A Ilbo Daily)
  • 발행 : 1989.05.30


The purpose of this thesis is to do a research on suppression of peacetime international terrorism and penal system of terrorists by political and economic means. International terrorism means wanton killing, hostage taking, hijacking, extortion or torture committed or threatened to be comitted against the innocent civilian in peacetime for political motives or purposes provided that international element is involved therein. This research is limited to international terrorism of political purposes in peacetime, especially, hijacking of civil aircraft. Hijacking of civil aircraft include most of international terrorism element in its criminal act and is considered to be typical of international terrorism in view of multinationality of its crews, passengers and transnational borders involved in aircraft hijacking. Civil air transportation of today is a indispensable part of international substructure, as it help connect continuously social cultural and economic network of world community by dealing with massive and swift transportation of passengers and all kinds of goods. Current frequent hijacking of civil aircraft downgrade the safety and trust of air travel by mass slaughter of passengers and massdestruction of goods and endanger indispensable substructure of world community. Considering these facts, aircraft hijacking of today poses the most serious threat and impact on world community. Therefore, among other thing, legal, political, diplomatic and economic sanctions should be imposed on aircraft hijacking. To pursue an effective research on this thesis aircraft hijacking by six Chineses on 5th May, 1983, from mainland China to Seoul, Korea, is chosen as main theme and the Republic of Korea's legal, political and diplomatic dealing and settlement of this hijacking incident along with six hijackers is reviewed to find out legal, political diplomatic means of suppression and solution of international terrorism. Research is focused on Chinese aircraft hijacking, Korea-China diplomatic negotiation, Korea's legal diplomatic handling and settlement of Tak Chang In, mastermind of aircraft hijacking and responses and position of three countries, Korea, China and Taiwan to this case is thoroughly analyzed through reviewing such materials as news reportings and comments of local and international mass media, Korea-China Memorandum, statements of governments of Korea, China and Taiwan, verdicts of courts of Korea, prosecution papers and oral argument by the defendants and lawyers and three antiaircraft hijacking conventions of Hague, Tokyo and Montreal and all the other instruments of international treaties necessary for the research. By using above-mentioned first-hand meterials as yardsticks, legal and political character of Chinese aircraft hijacking is analyzed and reviewed and close cooperation among sovereign states based on spirit of solidarity and strict observance of international treaties such as Hague, Tokyo and Montreal Conventions is suggested as a solution and suppressive means of international terrorism. The most important and indispensable factor in combating terrorism is, not to speak, the decisive and constant resolution and all-out effort of every country and close cooperation among sovereign states based on "international law of cooperation."
