Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (치과방사선)
- Volume 19 Issue 1
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- Pages.39-48
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- 1989
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- 1225-049X(pISSN)
단일 및 분할 방사선조사에 의한 백서절치의 급성반응에 관한 연구
Rhee In-Suk
(Department of Oral Radiology, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University) ;
- Park Tae-Won (Department of Oral Radiology, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University) ;
- Ahn Hyung-Kyu (Department of Oral Radiology, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University)
- Published : 1989.12.01
Six to eight-month-old female albino rats were used as experimental animals. As an irradiation equipment, a Co-60 was used. The experimental animals were divided to; 6 of the control group, 12 of the 500cGy single irradiation group, 12 of the 1000cGy fractionated irradiation group, and 12 of the 1500cGy fractionated irradiation group. From the first week to the forth, 3 rats were picked from each group every week to be sacrificed and fixed with formalin. Those rats were observed by means of H-E stain after being taken radiograph and decalcified. The analysis of radiographic findings and light microscopic findings gives results as follows: 1. The delay of dental eruption rate was found in every group which underwent the irradiation experiment. Dentin niche, osteodentin, and dentin island were formed in the parts which were damaged by the irradiation. 2. The longer the observation period was, the more deposit of osteodentin and dentin island was formed. 3. In the single irradiation group, the damage effect was in proportion to the increase of radiation dose, whereas the damage was much less in the fractionated group receiving the same dose. 4. The 500cGy single irradiation group got temporary repairable damage, while the 1000cGy single irradiation group got considerable damage and showed much slower eruption rate than the 500cGy single irradiation group. The basal portion of the 1500cGy single irradiation group, whose growth was arrested, was destroyed. 5. The fractionated group were irradiated 500cGy everyweek. Repair was visible during the interval periods. The damage was accumulated as irradiation repeated, but degree of damage was lower than that of the 1000cGy and 1500cGy single irradiation group.