소의 전침마취에 적용하는 경혈배합에 관한 실험적연구

Experimental Studies on the Acupuncture Prescription for Electroacupuncture Analgesia of the Cattle

  • 서두석 (전남대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 한방근 (전남대학교 수의과대학)
  • 발행 : 1989.06.01


In order to develop the effective methods of electroacupuncture anesthesia to bovine species. eight animals of Korean native cow, which are healthy and have ordinary perception response. were examined to study on the acupuncture prescription. In the present study, six kinds of acupuncture prescription methods were applied with four kinds of meridian points which consist of Sam Yang Rack, Keuk Moon, Boo Yang and Sam Eum Kyo. The results are summarized as follows. 1. All kinds of methods applied here were simple in needling technique but considerably effective on analgesia. It was also confirmed that the methods could be applied to the all clinical signs, because these were not depended to vary on the position of operation area and the body restrain. 2. The results, which were obtained by applying to all meridian points at both legs selected by diagonal lines(e. g., right foreleg and left hind leg, and vice versa) and to all meridian points at the all legs, were revealed the same analgesia effect. However, the result applied to meridian points at one side of body did not show the good effect for analgesia. 3. When the acupuncture prescription was applied to Sam Yang Rack and Keuk Moon at both forelegs, and Boo Yang and Sam Eum Kyo at both hind-legs, the good effects of regional analgesia appeared at the anterior body and both forelegs, and the posterior body and both hind-legs, respectivery. 4. There was no sognificant difference in changing biochemical pictures of blood and serum during the experiment.
