Effects of Detomidine HCI on Blood Pressure and Acid-Base Balance in Goats

Detomidine이 한국재래산양의 혈압 및 산ㆍ염기 평형에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 1989.06.01


This study was carried out to Investigate the effects of detomidine and xylazine on physical sign, electrocardiogram, blood pressure, acid-base status and the antagonistic effect of yohimbine on detomidine in goats. Yohimbine was administered 10 minutes after detomidine injection. Maintenance time of sedation was remarkably decreased in yohimbine-treated group(59.5${\pm}$3.8min). compared with detomidine-treated group(99.8 ${\pm}$ 14.7min). Body temperature was slightly decreased, heart rate was markedly decreased in all experimental groups and respiratory rate increased in detomidine-treated group and decreased in zylazine-treated group. However they were recovered rapidly after yohimbine administration In electrocardiogram, there were no significant changes except T waves and RR intervals. T waves showed negative form and RR intervals were increased but they were recovered rapidly in yohimbine-treated group compared with detomidine-treated group. Blood pressure was decreased after detomidine administration but recovered faster in yohimbine-treated group than in detomidine alone group. Blood pH was increased in detomidine-treated and yohimbine-treated groups but unchanged in xylazine-treatd group. It is considered that the effects of detomidine are similar to those of xylaxine and yohimbine is effective antagonist to detomidine in goats.
