The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine (대한핵의학회지)
- Volume 23 Issue 1
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- Pages.19-25
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- 1989
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- 1225-6714(pISSN)
Myocardial SPECT Imaging of Post-Infarction Ventricular Aneurysm
심근경색 후 생긴 심실류의 심근 SPECT소견
- Koh, Eun-Mi (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
- Lee, Kyung-Han (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
- Um, Jae-Ho (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
Kim, Myung-Ah
(Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
Oh, Byung-Hee
(Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
- Park, Young-Bae (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
Lee, Myung-Chul
(Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
- Lee, Young-Woo (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
- Koh, Chang-Soon (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University)
- 고은미 (서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
- 이경한 (서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
- 엄재호 (서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
(서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
(서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
- 박영배 (서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
(서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
- 이영우 (서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
- 고창순 (서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실)
- Published : 1989.05.31
To assess the usefulness of myocardial SPECT imaging to detect post-myocardial infarction ventricular aneurysms, we analyzed the Technetium-99m MIBI myocardial SPECT images of 16 patients with anterior and/or apical infarction, 9 had the previously reported findings of failure of convergence of the left ventricular walls toward the apex on SPECT images and 8 of them also had ventricular aneurysms. The ventriculography of the 2 patients with mixed pattern revealed 1 case of ventricular aneurysm and 1 case without aneurysm. Among the remaining 5 pateints with converging pattern, none had ventricular aneurysm. Of the other 11 pateints with inferior and/or lateral wall infarction, 1 patient had ventricular aneurysm and the SPECT image couldn't detect the aneurysm.