부패성유기폐기물의 석회 안정화에 관한 연구

The Study On Lime-Stabilization of Decayed Oganic Wastes

  • 김홍래 (경희대학교 경영대학원)
  • 발행 : 1989.12.01


The aim of this study is, by the Lime-Stabilization of decayed Organic Wastes, in preventing the reclaimed Waste from being another pollution due to reclaiming those things. 1. A perfect reaction is possible by the addition of poor Stabilization-Lime of 5 percent in a short time of 5 minute. 2. PH of the Stabilization-handled Wastes rise over 12. 3. Malodorant of Stabilized Wastes is slight because malodorant Volatilize in the course of the Stabilization or is captured in the handled subetance. 4. The second pollution scarcely brings about because a rapid decomposition is impossible on account of the coating of Alkali Substance.
