Listeriosis and Listeria monocytogenes

리스테리아증과 Listeria monocytogenes

  • Bahk, Jae-Rim (Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin) ;
  • Elmer H. Marth (Food Research Institute, University of Wisconsin)
  • Published : 1989.12.01


Listeria monocytogenes, one of five species in the genus Listeria and the only one currently believed to be pathogenic for humans, is a small gram-positive, nonsporeforming, aerobic, motile and hemolytic rod-shaped bacterium. The bacterium is widespread in the environment, having been isolated from soil, dust, animal feed, water, sewage, almost every type of animal that has been cultured, and asymptomatic humans. L. monocytogenes causes listeriosis, a disease which most often affects humans with a compromised immune system. Included are pregnant woman, infants and adults suffering from such diseases as cancer, cirrhosis of liver or AIDS or are being treated with drugs such as corticosteroids. Listeriosis is manifested by such syndromes as pregnancy infections, granulomatosis infantiseptica, sepsis, meningoencephalitis, and focal infections. Infections, can be treated successfully with penicillin, ampicillin, or erythromycin. However, a mortality rate of about 30% has occurred in outbreaks of listeriosis. Food-associated outbreaks of listeriosis have been attributed to coleslaw (Canada, 1981), pasteurized milk (U.S., 1983), and soft cheese (U.S., 1985). Presence of L. monocytogenes in various dairy foods has prompted recall of such products from the U.S. market-place. L. monocytogenes also has been found in raw meats and seafood.
