체세포 수준에서의 내 Al 성 알팔파의 선발에 관한 연구 I. 알팔파의 캘러스 유인에 미치는 몇가지 요인의 영향

Research on the Selection of Al Tolerant AlFalfa (Medicago sativa L.) on the Sometic Cell Level I. Effect of some factors affecting callus induction of alfalfa

  • 발행 : 1989.09.01


本實驗은 Vernal알팔파의 callus 誘導에 미치는 몇가지 要因들에 對하여 糾明하고자 逐行되었으며 얻어진 結果는 다음과 같다, Callus 誘導에서 auxin 源으로서 2,4-D를 2-5mg/1 單用處理한 것이 가장 좋았으며, 여러가지 基本 培地 中에서는 B5와 SH가 callus 誘導에 가장 效果的이었는데, PC와 MS 培地에서 生成된 callus는 friable 하였다. 培地#의 pH는 5.8이 가장 좋았으며 7.0 以上에서는 callus는 거의 생장하지 않았다. 組織片은 9日 齡된 植物體의 것이 가장 좋았으며, 이를 前後하여 callus의 生成量은 減少하였다. Callus 誘導時, 光條件의 有無는 큰 影響을 나타내지 않았으나, 빛 條件에서는 callus 組織은 푸르게 되었다.

This experiment was conducted to determine factors affecting callus induction of Vernal alfalfa. Growth regulators, basal medium, medium pH, explant age, and agar concentration for callus induction were investigated. The results obtained were as follows: For the callus induction, 2-5 mg/l 2,4-D alone was found to be most effective on callus induction. Cytokinins did not have positive effect on the callus induction, and even the more cytokinin added induced the less callus. Callus yield was much higher in B5 or SH medium than in any other media. The calli induced in PC and MS media were more friable than those induced in other media. The medium pH of 5.8 gave the best response of callus induction. At higher than pH 7.0, callus induction was inhibited severely. The effective seedling age for callus induction was around 9 days. In agar concentration, 0.5 % (W/V) was suitable for callus induction and it was severely depressed at above 1 %. Callus induction was not influenced by day length or illumination. Calli cultured under 1618 hour lightldark cycle became more compact and green than those cultured under the dark.
