중등학교 조리실습에 대한 현황과 효율화방안

The Present Situtation and Efficient Way of Cooking Practice in the Middle and High School

  • 발행 : 1989.12.01


Cooking practice is keenly related to not only the betterment of family health but to the improvement of dietary life. Cooking is a kind of practical skill and one is skill in it by repeated practice. The aim of cooking practice in school is to fix cooking method practically and scientifically, to acquire cooking skill. To achieve this aim there are many unrecognized or unsolved problems in the first-line schools. The problems and efficient ways of cooking practice in the middle and high school are as follows; 1. The aim of cooking practice: It should be first of all remembered that the practice is so practical that the knowledge and skill of cooking should be related to the future domestic life. Second, the practice should be able to serve the communal and national life by scientifying and improving life. 2. The content of the practice: First, it should be so arranged step by step that the content of each year should not be repeated. Second, the ratio of Korean cooking practice should be increased and the material of the practice should be chosen in consideration of the peculiarity of the community, seasons and economical problems so that it may be applied to the very day life. Third, to improve dietary life, the practice should be a way of the simplification of dietary life, of the nutritional efficiency. Forth, for the betterment of physical condition of the family the practice should involve balanced dietary plans and dietary therapy. 3. Teaching method: First, the practice should be scientific and comprehensive in consideration of not only cooking skills but also knowledge of nutrition. Second, micro-class system should be adopted, and practice labor should be allotted each student to develop cooperative attitude and the sense of responsibility. Third, in addition to the practice conducted in a body, comparative cooking, applicable cooking and experimental ability and the content of the text. Fourth, teachers should let the students examine and find problems by bringing them to a focus on the basis of theory. 4. Administration method: First, the practice schedule should be planned that a class has practices at least more than twice a semester. Second, two hours of class should be continued without cessation after beforehand survey and theory study. Third, facilities and utensils for practice should be enlarged. That is, cooking practice rooms, tools, utensils should be prepared. Fourth, enough cost of practice should be secured. The above mentioned points show the present situation and problems with which cooking practice teaching is confronted. In order to normalize cooking practice teaching, the first-line schools should give the above mentioned problems their careful consideration and improve the present situation so that efficient, creative, practical cooking practice will be possible.
