Rolling Motion Spectrum 에 의한 해난 발생의 원인분석에 관한 연구

A Study about Analysis of Cause of several Capsized Sea Accidents by Rolling Motion Spectrum

  • 발행 : 1989.09.01


Marine casualities in the high sea are mainly classified into the breakage of hull and capsize , of which the latter occurs frequently to a small craft and container vessels by extreme rolling. The aim of this study is to develop shiphandling techniques for the prevention of ship's large rolling by way of evaluating dangerous degree of rolling in heavy weather. In this study, rolling motion is analized by using statistical method as follow : (1) 8 sample ships is presented for calculation. (2) Analized sea state are Beaufort scale 7 and 10 (wind velocity 30kts and 50kts respectively) and significant wave height is put as 5.2m and 11.2m. (3) The formula recommended by International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) is used to calculated the wave spectrum. The results of this study are as follow : The results of this study are as follow : (1) Most of the vessels with beam of 20 meters or less was found to be capized in the waves abeam under the sea condition of Bearfort scale7(30kts). (2) For the vessels range 20m to 30m was found safe under the sea conditions of Bearfort scale 7(30kts) and imminent danger under the sea condition of Beaufort scale 11(50kts). (3) It is proved that any vessel could be capsized by heavy rolling regardless of vessel's size whenever the motion is synchronized with waves abeam. This study concludes that the navigator, especially at night , must anticipate the exact wave direction, referring to the wether report and coastaline, not to lay the vessel in the serial wave abeam.
