통계 전문가 시스템에 관한 문헌 연구

A bibliography of statistical expert systems

  • 염봉진 (한국과학기술원 산업공학과) ;
  • 최경미 (KTA 사업지원단) ;
  • 김준하 (한국과학기술원 산업공학과) ;
  • 김영준 (한국생산성본부 기술지도부)
  • 발행 : 1989.09.01


통계 전문가 시스템(Statistical Expert System, SES) 또는 Knowledge-Based Statistical Consulation System은 "통계적 방법에 의한 연구 과정(계획,자료수집,분석,결과해석 등)에서 발생하는 문제를 효과적,효율적으로 해결하기 위해 통계 전문가 또는 통계 상담자의 경험과 지식을 내장하여 이를 처리할 수 있도록 설계된 전산 시스템"으로 정의할 수 있을 것이다.SES를 구축함으로써 기대되는 효과는 1.초보사용자의 통계기법 오용을 방지하고, 2.기존 통계 software가 지니지 못한 탐색 및 설명기능, 결과해석기능 등을 제공하며, 3.사용자(초보자 및 전문가)에게 교육 및 통계전략에 대한 실험 환경을 제공하고, 4.전문가로 하여금 일상적이고 기계적인 업무로부터 벗어나 좀 더 기본적인 문제 해결에 전념할 수 있도록 보조적인 역할을 수행하는 것 등이다.행하는 것 등이다.



  1. Technical Report No. 17 Expert Systems and Statistical Expertise, Part I : Statistical Expert Systems Altham,N.S.
  2. Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on the Interface of Computee Science and Statistics Some thoughts on expert software Chambers,J.M.
  3. Proceedings of the 43rd Session of the ISI Expert sofrware for data analysis- An initial experiment Chambers,J.M.;Pregibon,D.;Zayas,E.R.
  4. Thesis Statistical Expert Systems-A Special Application Area for Knowledge-Based Computer Methodology Chowdhury,S.I.
  5. Statistical Software Newsletter v.13 The impact of expert systems on statistical database manegement Elliman,A.D.;Wittkowski,K.M.
  6. Artificail Intelligence and Statistics Gale,W.A.(ed.)
  7. Overview of artificial intelligence and statistics Gale,W.A.(ed.)
  8. Handbook of Statistics Applications of artificial intelligence in statistics Gale,W.A.
  9. The AI Magazine v.5 Artificial intelligence research in statistics Gale,W.A,;Pregibon,D.
  10. The American Statistician v.39 More intelligent statistical software and statistical expert systems : Future directions(with discussions) Hahn,G.J.
  11. The Statistician v.33 Statistical expert systems : Design Hand,D.H.
  12. Journal of Applied Statistics v.12 Statistical expert systems : Necessary attributes Hand,D.H.
  13. The Knowledge Engineering Review v.1 Expert systems in Statistics Hand,D.H.
  14. Expert Systems in Statistics Haux,R.(ed.)
  15. Haux(1986) Statistical expert sustems and the statistical consultant-considerations about the planning stage of clinical studies Jockel,K.H.
  16. BIAS v.7 The computer as a statistical consultant Jones,B.
  17. Journal of Quality Technology v.19 Tools for conputer-aided design of experiments Nachtsheim,C.J.
  18. Recent Developments in Statistics Intelligent programs, the next stage in statistical computing Nelder,J.A.;J.R.Barra(et al.)
  19. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Ser. A v.147 Present positions and potential developments : Some personal views(on statistical computing, with discussion)) Nelder,J.A.
  20. Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics Statistical software : progress and prospects Nelder,J.A.;Baker,R.J.
  21. MIS Quarterly v.10 Toward intelligent decision support systems : An artificially intelligent statistician Remus,W.E.;Kottemann,J.E.
  22. Statistical Software Newsletter v.14 On the nonexistence of expert systems : Critical remarks on artificial intelligence in statistics(with discussion) Streiberg,B.
  23. Statistics Science v.1 Computing Environments for data analysis Thisted.R.A.
  24. Gale(1986a) An alphabet for statisticians' expert systems Tukey,H.W.
  25. Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics Knowledge acquisition in REX and Student Gale,W.A.
  26. Gale(1986a) Student phase 1 : A report on work in progress Gale,W.A.
  27. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies v.26 Knowledge-based knowledge acquisition for a statistical consulting systems Gale,W.A.
  28. Proceedings of the 46th Session of the ISI Student : A tool for constructing consultation systems in data analysis Gale,W.A.
  29. COMSTAT 84 Constructing an expert system for data analysis by working examples Gale,W.A.;Pregibon,D.
  30. The Statistician v.73 Statistical expert systems : Design Hand,D.H.
  31. Discovery and Representation of Causal Relationships from a Large Time-Oriented Clinical Database : The RX Project Blum,R.L.
  32. Computers and Biomedical Research v.15 Discovery, confirmation, and incorporation of causal relationships from a large time-oriented clinical database : The RX Project Blum,R.L.
  33. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Ser. A v.144 Theory and general principle in statistics Cox,D.R.
  34. Applied Statistics-Principles and Examples Cox,D.R.;Snell,E.J.
  35. Gale(1986a) Representing statistical computations : Toward a deeper understanding Ellman,T.
  36. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the ASA Using expert systems for developing statistical strategy Gale,W.A.
  37. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Data Analysis and Informatics Knowledge representation in data analysis Gale,W.A.
  38. Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics Knowledge representation in statistics Gale,W.A.
  39. Gale(1986a) REX review Gale,W.A.
  40. Paper presented of the ASA Statistical Computing Section A comparison of representation for statistical strategies Gale,W.A.;Lubinsky,D.J.
  41. Computers and Artificial Intelligence v.1 GUHA-80-an application of artificial intelligence to data strategies Hajik,P.;Havranek,T.
  42. Expert Systems 85 Expert system rechnique : an application in statistics Haking,L.;Hickman,F.R.;M.Mery(ed.)
  43. Bulletin of the ISI, Proceedings of the 45th Session 3 v.21 Choice of statistical techniques Hand,D.J.
  44. Gale(1986a) Patterns in statistical strategy Hand,D.J.
  45. Gale(1986a) Environments of supporting statistical strategy Huber,P.J.
  46. Haux(1986) Statistical expert sustems and the statistical consultant-considerations about the planning stage of clinical studies Jocker,K.H.
  47. Proceedings of the ASA Statistical Computing Section Strategies in experimental design(with discussion) Johnson,P.E.;Meyer,R.K.;Nachtsheim,C.J.;Zualkernan,I.A.
  48. Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics Tess : A Tree based environment for statistical strategies Lubinsky,D.J.
  49. Some Advances in Statistics An overview of techniques of data analysis, emphasizing its exploratory aspects Mallow,C.L.;Tukey,J.W.;J.Tiago del Oliveira(ed.);B.Epstein(ed.)
  50. Gale(1986a) Implementation and study of statistical strategy Oldford,R.W.;Peters,S.C.
  51. COMSTAT 86 Object-oriented data representations for statistical data analysis Olford,R.W.;Peters.S.C.
  52. Haux(1986) The use of expert systems in different fields of statistics Ostermann,R.
  53. Gale(1986a) A DIY guide to statistical strategy Pregibon,D.
  54. Haux(1986) Computer support for the design and analysis of survey samples Schach,S.
  55. Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics Knowledge representation for expert data analysis systems Thisted,R.A.
  56. Gale(1986a) Representing statistical knowledge and search strategies for expert data analysis systems Thisted,R.A.
  57. Gale(1986a) Representing stateistical knowledge for expert data analysis systems Thisted,R.A.
  58. Haux(1986) Generating and testing statistical hypothesis : Strategies for knowledge engineering Wittkowski,K.M.
  59. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics An expert system for testing statistical hypotheses Wittkowski
  60. COMSTAT 86 Interactive user-friendly package for design and analysis of experiments Baines,A.;Clithero,D.T.
  61. Discovery and Representation of Causal Relationships from a Large Time-Oriented Clinical Database : The RX Project Blum,R.L.
  62. Computers and Biomedical Research v.15 Discovery, confirmation, and incorporation of causal relationships from a large time-oriented clinical database : The RX Project Blum,R.L.
  63. Proceedings of the ASA Statistical Computing Section An expert system for the design of screening experiments Haaland,P.D.;Yen,D.;Liddle,R.F.
  64. Proceedings of the ASA Statistical Computing Section An expert system for the experimental design Haaland,P.D.;Yen,D.;Liddle,R.F.
  65. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Olivero,R.A.;Seshadri,S.;Deming,S.N.
  66. Statistical Software Newsletter v.13 The expert system CADEMO : Computer-aided design of experiments and modelling Rasch,D.;Guiard,V.;Nurnberg,G.;Rudolph,P.E.;Teuscher,F.
  67. Technical Report No. 17 Expert Systems and Statistical Expertise, Part I : Statistical Expert Systems Altham,N.S.
  68. A guide for selecting statistical techniques for analying social science data Andrew,F.M.;Klem,L.;davidson,T.N.;O'Malley,O.M.;Rodgers,W.L.
  69. COMSTAT 86 MUSE : An expert system in statistics Dambroise,E.;Massotte,P.
  70. COMSTAT 86 Knowledge base supported analysis of longitudinal data Froeschl,K.A.;Grossmann,W.
  71. Gale(1986a) REX review Gale,W.A.
  72. Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics An expert system for regression analysis Gale,W.A.;Pregibon,D.
  73. COMSTAT 82 Artificial intelligence and data analysis Hajek,P.;Ivanek,J.
  74. COMSTAT 86 How to assist an inexperienced user in the preliminary analysis of time series : First version of the ESTES expert system Hietala,P.
  75. COMSTAT 86 Expert systems and data analysis package management Jida,J.;Lemaire,J.
  76. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics Artificial intelligence techniques for retrospective help in data analysis Nugent,W.H.
  77. Thesis Logic and Lattices for a Statistical Advisor O'Keefe,R.
  78. Proceedings of the ASA Statistical Computing Section Building a statistical knowledge based system with MINI-MYCIN Olford,R.W.;Peters,S.C.
  79. COMSTAT 86 Object-oriented data representations for statistical data analysis Olford,R.W.;Peters.S.C.
  80. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics Statistically sophisticated software and DINDE Olford,R.W.;Peters,S.C.
  81. Proceedings of the ASA Statistical Computing Section Data analysis networks in DINDE Olford,R.W.;Peters,S.C.
  82. Proceedings of the ASA Statistical Computing Section A statistical expert system for analysis determination Portier,K.M.;Lai,P.
  83. Statistical Software Newsletter v.11 Incorporating expertise in time series modeling : The STATXPS system Prat,A.;Martii,M.;Catot,J.M.
  84. COMSTAT 84 REX : An expert system for regression analysis Pregibon,D.;Gale,W.A.
  85. Haux(1986) A modestly intelligent system for idenfication, estimation, and forecasting of umivariate time series : A⁴ : ARIMA, artificial intelligence, and APL2 Streitberg,B.;Neave,P.
  86. 춘계 인공지능 학술발표회 논문집 RMEX : 회귀모형 설정을 위한 전문가 시스템 김영준;염봉진
  87. 경영과학 v.5 AS/TS : Insight2를 이용한 통계기법 선정자문 시스템 전용진
  88. Haux(1986) EXPLORA : An example of knowledge based data analysis Klosgen,W.
  89. COMSTAT 86 Express-An expert system utilizing standard statistical package Carlson,F.;Heuch,I.
  90. COMSTAT 86 Building expert systems with the help of existing statistical doftware : An example Darius,P.L.
  91. COMSTAT 84 QUESTOR : A conversational preprocessor to BMDP Kuik,D.J.
  92. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics A front-end for GKIM Nelder,J.A.;Wolstenholm,D.
  93. The Computer Journal v.26 Interactive user-friendly interfaces to statistical packages Smith,A.M.R.;Lee,L.S.;Hand,D.J.
  94. Haux(1986) A front-end for GLIM Wolstenholm,D.E.;Neider,J.A.
  95. Papers presented at Workshop in Artificial Intelligence and Statistics in Princeton, New Jersey Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Gale,W.A.(ed.)
  96. papers from a Workshop orgaized by the working group "Computational Statistics" of the German Region of the International Biometric Society Expert Systems in Statistics Haux,R.(ed.)
  97. Statistical Software Newsletter
  98. Proceedings of the Statistical Computing
  99. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics
  100. COMSTAT, Proceeding of Computational Statistics
  101. Programming Expert Systems in OPS5 : An Introduction to Rule-Based Programming Brownston,L.;Farrel,R.;Kant,E.;Martin,N.
  102. Rule-Based Expert Systems : The MyCIN Experiments of the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project Buchanan,B.G.;Shortliffe,E.H.
  103. Programming in Prolog(2nd ed.) Clocksin,W.F.;Mellish,C.S.
  104. Expert Systems : Principles and Case Studies Forsyth,R.
  105. Principles of Artificial Intelligence Nillson,N.J.
  106. Artificial Intelligence Rich,E.
  107. A Guide to Expert Systems Waterman,D.A.
  108. LISP(2nd ed.) Winston,P.H.;Horn,B.K.P.
  109. Artificial Intelligence(2nd ed.) Winston,P.H.
  110. Artificial Intelligence
  111. Artificial Intelligence Review : An Internaltional Survey and Tutorial Journal
  112. Expert systems : An Internaltional Journal of Knowledge Engineering
  113. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
  114. The AI Magazine