잔디류식물에 있어 생장억제제시용효과에 관한 연구

Growth Regulation of Korean Lawngrass and Manilagrass with Several Growth Retardants

  • 발행 : 1989.04.01


Native Kerean lawngrass (Zeysia japonica steud.) and Manilagrass ( Zeysia matrella Merr.) are frequently used as sport turf and lawn in Kerea and ether Asian countries because of its excellent summer qualities and superior winter-hardiness compared to ether warm-season turfgrass . The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the plant growth retardants ( PGR ) en the inhibition (d the growth of the two Kerean native turfgrasses. Kerean lawngrass and Manilagrass were treated with [2 RS , 3 RS] -1- [4- chlorophenyl ] -4, 4-dimethyl -2- [1 H -1, 2, 4- tiazol -1- y] pentan -3- ol ( PP -333) at 93 and 930 gha -j ; 5-[4- chlorphenyl ]-3, 4, 5, 9, 10- peiitaaza - tetracyclo [5, 4, 1, 0 2 6 . o ~'~I -3, 9- diene ( BAS -106) at 16 and 160 gha ; [ E I-] - cyclohexyl -4, 4- dimethyl -2- [1, 2, 4- triazol -1- yl ]-1-pentene - 3- ol ( NTN -821) at 56 and 560 gha ', and 4- chloro -2- [$\alpha$- hydrozybenzy I isonicotin anilide ( CGR -811) at 92 gha in pot study . All PGR treatments were effective in reducing the plant height, with the exception of BAS -106 at 16 gha for Korean lawngrass ; however , all increased quality to some degree , with the exception of PP -333 at 93 gha . The low PGR rates significantly increased Korean lawngrass height during late jtily aitd mid-August . On the other hand , BAS -106 significantly increased Manilagrass height {rom 24 Septeml)er onwards . All PGR treatments haol higher turfgrass quality than untreatments , and also the high rates of PGIt treatments were more effective in increasing quality than the low rates observed on 8 October . Meanwhile , Manilagrass quality was increased to some extent than Korean lawegrass . PP - 333 was significantly effective in reducing clipping yield and the same results were found with the application of NTN -821 at 560 gha -l for both Korean lawngrass and Manilagrass , BAS -106 at 160 gha for Korean lawegrass , and CGR -811 at 92 gha for Manilagrass . The high PGR rates had higher turfgrass shoot weight observed on 8 October than the low rates , and there were little increases obtained with the low rates of PP -333 for Korean lawngrass and BAS - 1 06 for Manilagrass . Effeets on stolon growth varied between growth retardants , and between retardant treatments ; the high rates of PGR as well as the low rate of NTN -821 elongated stolon of Korean lawngrass and manoilagrass . However , PP -333 at 93 gha and BAS -106 at 16 gha - shortened stolons of Korean lawugrass , resulting in inhibition or little difference of stolon dry weight . NTN -821 at 560 gha and CGR -811 had no positive effect on the stolon length of Manilagrass . 101) -333 and the low rate of BAS -106 and NTN -821 decreased root weight of Korean lawng - rass All PGR rates had negative effect on the root weight of Manilagrass with the exception of BAS -106 CR -811 and the high rate of NTN -821 which made no difference in root weight between retarolant treatments and the control .
