역사 인구학 방법론의 현황

The Methodology in Historical Demography at the Cambridge Group

  • 발행 : 1989.12.01


The methodology in historical demography comprises the three core areas the family reconstitution method at the Institut National d' Ftudes Demographiques(I.N.E.D), the back projection at the Cambridge Group for the History of PopuJation and Social Struc-ture(HPSS). and the household-pattern analysis at the Cambridge Group and at the California Institute of Technology. The paper presents an outline of the family reconstitu-tion method and discusses the problems, both theoretical and methodological, arising from the problematic back projection vis-a-vis the usual inverse projection developed by Ronald D. Lee at Berkeley. Recent developments in the tield of the generalized inverse projection method designed 10 supplement the defects in the back projection and the inverse projection are presented. and for ease of explanation of the parish register data for the family reconstitution form (FRE). pre-modern Korean household register data are presented along with the parish register data of England and Wales that constitute the backbone of historical demography in pre-modern Europe. Possibilities of exploring the household pattern analysis method based on the Laslett-Hammel classification scheme for the mid-eighteenth-century Korean household register data are suggested.
