경기도 용인군 농촌형 급식시범국민학교 아동의 영양실태 조사

A Nutrition Survey of Children Attending a Model Elementary School of Rural Type School Lunch Programs

  • 김복희 (서울대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1989.04.01


A nutrition survey of 209 children, 6 to 13 years old, in the namgok elemetnary school at Namsamyun, Yongin-gun, Kyonggi province, was undertaken in July of 1987, to investigate dietary and nutritional status. Mean value of hight was 98% of the Korean standard established by the Korean Standards Research Institute. However, in these terms, 7.7% of the subjects were proven to be short, mean value of weight was 94.5 of the Korean standard. However, in these terms, 9.3% of the subjects were proven to be moderatly underweight ; whereas 10.4% of the subjects were proven to be over weight. By the WHO criterion, 18.4% of the subjects showed lower figures of hemoglobin than anemic level of 12gm%/이. Mean urinary urea nitogen/creatinine ratio was 9.1$\pm$5.0 Carbohyudrate provided 68% of total energy intake ; protein accunted for 13% ; fat provided 19%. Energy intake was divided among breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in a percentage ratio of 22 : 44 : 24 : 13. The survey clarified that the elementary school feeding largely supplemented the inadequate intake of these chidren at home.
