Studies on the Long-term Consolidation Characteristics of Peats

이탄의 장기압밀특성에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1989.03.01


This study aims at scrutinizing the long4errn consolidation characteristics of peats sampled at three different regions of Chonbuk province. The standard consolidation test and the single load consolidation test were performed about these samples and especially in case of the latter the loading period was 350 days. The main condusions analyzed are as follows. 1. Void ratio showed much greater values than that of the general clay and was decresed greatly according to the increase of the load. 2. In case of the relationship between the sefflement and the long-term settlement time the rate of settlement increment became great according to the increase of the load step and the long4erm settlement became linely proportional to the logarithm of time alter 10 minutes. 3. The linear correlation was showed between the long4erm settlement time and the void ratio and therefore equations by regression analysis were derived in order to estimate the long-term settlement The slope of straight lines increased according th the increase of the load step and secondary consolidation coefficients ranged from 0.04-0.27. 4. The secondary consolidation coeffcient became linealy proportional to the compression index and the ratio of Ca to CC was 0.072. 5. The period required in ending the primary consolidation was about 10 minutes and alter that the secondary consolidation coefficient appeared to have constant value. Therefore the secondary consolidation coefficient was judged to be used as a significant factor in estimating the long4erm settlement. 6. In case of the single load consolidation test the secondary consolidation coefficient showed the tendancy increasing according to the increase of the consolidation pressure.
