각혈을 동반한 결핵성 농흉 및 기관지늑막루의 환자에서 늑막 및 전폐절제술후 다량의 출혈환자의 치험 1례

Massive Hemorrhage after Pleuropneumonectomy in a Patient of Tuberculous Empyema and Bronchopleural Fistula with Hemoptysis - Report of One Case -

  • 발행 : 1989.10.01


There appears to be significant problems remained in the treatment of tuberculous empyema with BPF in spite of several surgical methods: decortication, thoracoplasty, and pleuropneumonectomy. We presented one case of tuberculous empyema with BPF. The patient was 42-year-old male and his chief complaint was hemoptysis. In past history, he was treated with left closed thoracostomy and antituberculous medication for two months, 16 years ago. Chest X-ray, tomogram and C. T, revealed a huge mass with central necrosis in the lower 2/3 of left thoracic cavity and shifting of the mediastinal structure to the right. Needle aspiration cytology was undifferentiated large cell carcinoma. Left thoracotomy was made under the impression of lung cancer and pleuropneumonectomy was done. Operative findings; thick walled empyema sac filled with hematoma and BPF, the mediastinum was fixated due to fibrosis and calcification of the pleura and the mediastinum. Postoperative biopsy was consistent with tuberculosis. In the postoperative course, there was massive hemorrhage and so reoperation was done. But there was no active bleeding focuses in the thoracic cavity at the time of reoperation. Massive transfusion, coagulant therapy and intermittent clamping and declamping of the chest tube were carried out. Especially, serum calcium level was chronically decreased and so large amount of calcium gluconate was infused for the calcium level to be normal. Total transfused blood; whole blood was 33 pints, packed cell was 63 pints and fresh frozen plasma was 70 pints. At the postoperative[reop] 45th day, intrathoracic hemorrhage was stopped and the chest tube was removed. In conclusion, this suggest that uncontrollable bleeding after pleuropneumonectomy of the tuberculous empyema with BPF could be treated without reoperation in case of the mediastinal fixation due to fibrosis and calcification of the pleura and the mediastinum.
