Clinical Analysis of Bjork-Shiley Mechanical Valve Replacement

Bjork-Shiley 기계판막의 임상적 연구

  • Published : 1989.06.01


Between Dec. 1984, and May, 1988,96 prostheses were implanted in 80 patients at Dept. of Thoracic k Cardiovascular Surgery of National Medical Center. 43 patients had mitral valve replacement, 21 underwent aortic valve replacement, and 15 had double valve replacement [Mitral k Aortic], and 1 had tricuspid valve replacement. Seventy-one cases [88.8 %] were in NYHA Class III or IV. The mean duration of follow up was 22.1 months and follow-up information was available for 74 [92.5 %] of the patients. The overall actuarial survival rate at 45 months was 93.05 % and overall hospital mortality was 10 %, late Mortality was 5 %. The linearlized incidence of thromboembolism [2.4%/pt-yr], thrombotic valve obstruction [1.6 %/pt-yr], anticoagulant related bleeding [0.8 %/pt-yr]. There were no fatal valve related complications. The blood was studied in 40 patients 1 year after valve operation. Hgb and reticulocyte count were within normal values and Serum LDH value was slightly elevated but it was not of clinical significance. In conclusion, Monostrut Bjork-Shiley valve prosthesis to be a reliable valve substitute with an acceptable incidence of complications.
