한국가축번식학회지 (Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction)
- 제13권3호
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- Pages.141-148
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- 1989
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- 1226-5284(pISSN)
Mouse 수정란의 급속동결에 관한 연구 제II보 Mouse수정란 급속동결에 있어서 수정란의 발육단계와 식빙(seeding)이 생존율에 미치는 영향
Studies on the Rapid Freezing of Mouse Embryo II. Effects of the Development Stage and Seeding on the Mouse Embryo Survival of Rapid Freezing
The effects of seeding method and optimum time for freezing embryos according to the developmental stages on embryo survival rates after rapid freezing were determined using the FDA-test. The summarized results are as follows : 1. In the rapid freezing of embryos, the sucrose added medium together with Co-seeding or non-seeding showed the FDA scores of 4.67 and 4.20, respectively, but, raffinose addition obtained FDA scores of 4.27 and 3.97. 2. The developmental stage of embryos at freezing was most critical on the survival of embryos after thawing. Higher FDA scores were obtained in the order of blastocyst stage(4.94), morula stage(3.82) and ealy stage(2.65) in sucrose added medium. The same trend was observed in the raffinose added medium with an order or 4.91, 4.47 and 2.32. 3. Microscopic study of embryo before freezing and post-thawing indicated that the embryo showed shrinkage within 5 minutes after the embryo was transfer to the freezing medium. When thawed embryo was tranfered to the dilution medium, swelling of the embryo was observed and there after it reshrank indicating the removal of cryoprotectant from the embryo. The size of the embryo recovered to the original state when it was moved into a PBS-solution.