입력에 포화기를 가진 제어시스템의 성능향상

Performance Enhancement of Control Systems with Saturating Actuators

  • 박종구 (서울대 대학원 제어계측공학과) ;
  • 최종호 (서울대 공대 제어계측공학과)
  • 발행 : 1989.05.01


The Conventional-Anti-reset-Windup (CAW) structure gives pretty good performance among the conventional strategies that prevent systems from saturation, but there is no systematic way of designing the control systems. Also, it frequently destabilizes the systems. Moreover, the CAW structure cannot be applied when the output of the saturating actuator cannot be measured. Therefore the CAW structure is modified to accommodate this situation. An effective designing method is proposed to give better performance of the control system. The stability of the control system is also considered. The usefulness of the proposed method is shown by applying this method to a few examples.
