최적선형 추적법에 의한 부하-주파수제어

Load Frequency Control by Optimal Linear Tracking

  • 김훈기 (연세대 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 곽노홍 (연세대 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 문영현 (연세대 공대 전기공학과)
  • 발행 : 1989.02.01


This paper presents a load frequency control by optimal linear tracking, which can be well adapted to practical power systems with successive load disturbances. Conventional Load Frequency Controls (LEC's) have a feedback control scheme of the state error deviated from the post-disturbance steady state. This requires the modification of reference everytime the system encounters load changes. In this study, a new feedback scheme of LEC is developed by using the optimal linear tracking method with a fixed reference. As a result, the proposed LFC, which requires no reference modification, can be efficiently applied to power systems with successive disturbances such as load changes due to the on-off operations of reclosers or feeder switches. Another feature of the proposed LFC is that it adopts an algorithm to calculate an optimal post-fault steady state with the consideration of control input changes. The proposed LFC has been tested for a 2-area power system, which shows that it can be well adapted to successive load disturbances with good frequency response.
