특수 체력 관리를 요하는 운동 선수에 대한 Computer 상담 조직의 개발 제2보 : 식단 작성을 위한 Software 개발 연구

The Development of a Computer Counseling System for Weight Control of Athletes Part 2 : A Study in developing Software for Menu Planning of Athletes

  • 문수재 (연세대학교 가정대학 식생활학과)
  • 발행 : 1989.09.01


This study was carried out to develop a computerized menu planning for athletes who need weight control. The outine of the computer lprogram for menu planing that was developed in this study are as follows: First of all, the athlete's weight to be lost/controlled, age, sex and quantity of daily activity were put into the computer. When an individual file was formed, an ordered menu formulated to control the necessary quantity of nutrients were sufficient. The software is planned according to the sturcture of the menu which can be chosen at random. Also, it was made possible to change the menu according to one's preference. Therefore, this was similar to the manmachine system which is desirable form in using the computer. The developed software could be used not only for athletes but also for a nutrition councelling program for those who need weight control.
