'Study on Oui-Ga-Sil( 胃家實 )'

위가실(胃家實)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • 한규언 (경희대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 류봉하 (경희대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 박동원 (경희대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 류기원 (경희대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 장인규 (경희대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Published : 1989.06.02


About Oui-Ga-Sil(胃家實) in order to considerate the contents recorded in Nai-Gyung Sang-Han-Lon and latter literature, definition, etiopathology, syndrome, differential diagnosis, therapy, Prognosis and prevention were classified. And the results were as follows: 1. Oui-Ga(胃家)was a term which indicated the whole digestive system such as stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. Sil(實)could be defined as the peculiar concept pertaining to the acute and last stage which was invaded to inside bowels because of abundance with evil influence. 2. Eliology of Oui-Ga-Sil was abunt gastric fever originally, injured mucus because of mistreatment, the invasion to inside of outside evil influence through meridian. Pathology was the opening and shutting appearance of gastric abundance with intestinal emptiness, and intestinal abundance with gastric emptiness, Oui-Ga-Sil could be occurred because of gastric abundant dryness and splenic humidifying capacity decrease. 3. Symptom of Oui-Ga-Sil was classified as for the sunlight outside syndrome and the inside abundant syndrome. The sunlight outside syndrome was body fever, sweating, no chilling, on the contrary hatred of fever. The chief complaint of inside abundant syndrome was daily fever, talking in delirium, hand and foot sweating, abdominal distention, difficult defection and those could be pertained to sunlight bowel syndrome. 4. Diagnostic views of Oui-Ga-Sil were that pulse was descending abundant large strong and smooth quick, a coated tongue was yellow, deep yellow, old yellow, thick, scorching dry rough or gray black. On abdominal diagnosis, pressing by hand, patient was conscious of pain, excessive pain, rejection against press, impossible press or intermittent abdominal pain and bowel cutting pain without press. 5. Differential diagnosis was that the sunlight of Nai-Gyung-Fever-Theory was outside desease making meridian the prime object, Baik-Ho-Tang syndrome was making figureless abundant fever the pivotal point. And important differential standard of splenic shrink syndrome was that a daily fever, an irritation with fever were not occurred. 6. Theory of Oui-Ga-Sil was that Seng-Gi-Tang classes had been used in attacking downward or making balance, and moxibustion on Jung-Wan, honey boiling induction theory had been also used. Attacking downward therapy was invigorating method to preserve mucus, and if mucus had been exausted with complicating emptiness prognosis had been appeared badly. 7. Preventing from Oui-Ga-Sil diet by rule, fitness to cold and warmth may be needed to prevent outside evil influence attack and inside evil influence occurrence. Prudence with being very busy, fatigue, wine and woman may be also needed not to be an injury to splanic and gastric spirit.



  1. 濟衆新篇 v.一 康命吉
  2. 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙;崔達永
  3. 東醫病理學總論 文濬典
  4. 傷寒論槪論 朴憲在
  5. 急性腹症의 診斷과 治療 柳基遠;朴鎬湜
  6. 脾系內科 柳基遠
  7. 東醫診斷學 李文宰
  8. 東醫壽世保元 李齊馬
  9. 東醫 消化器內科學 張仁圭
  10. 醫門寶鑑 周命新
  11. 傷寒論譯詮 蔡仁植(譯)
  12. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  13. 醫宗損益(上) 黃道淵
  14. 傷寒論註(傷寒來蘇集) 柯琴
  15. 六經正義(中國各家學設) 柯琴
  16. 萬病回春 v.上 공延賢
  17. 傷寒論譯釋 v.上 南京中醫學院傷寒敎硏究組(編)
  18. 傷寒論譯釋 v.下 南京中醫學院 傷寒敎硏組(編)
  19. 難經譯釋 南京中醫學院 醫經敎硏組(編)
  20. 時病論 雷豊
  21. 血證論 唐容川
  22. 全生集(圖書集成 醫部全錄) v.13冊 陶華
  23. 扁鵲心書 竇材撰
  24. 內經入門 得初
  25. 神農本草經 v.三 未詳
  26. 內經講義 北京中醫學院
  27. 東洋醫學大辭典 謝觀
  28. 實用內科學 上海第一醫學院(實用內科學)編寫組
  29. 六經病解(徐靈胎醫書全集 下冊) v.三 徐靈胎
  30. 溫病學講醫 成都中醫學院
  31. 集註傷寒論(仲景全書) 成無己(註)
  32. 醫效秘傳 葉天士
  33. 諸病源候總論 v.八 巢元方
  34. 醫宗金監(第一分冊) 吳謙(等)(篇)
  35. 外臺秘要 v.上 王壽
  36. 黃帝內經 王氷(註)
  37. 校正圖註難經 v.三 王叔和
  38. 脈經 王叔和
  39. 傷寒貫珠集 尤在涇
  40. 醫學正傳 虞天民
  41. 醫門法律 喩嘉信
  42. 萬病醫藥顧問 v.第二種 陸靑節
  43. 內經知要 李念莪
  44. 難知(東垣十種醫書) v.上 李東垣
  45. 脾胃論(東垣十種醫書) v.上;下 李東垣
  46. 醫宗必續 李中梓
  47. 醫學入門 李정
  48. 類證治裁 林佩琴
  49. 景岳全書(上) 張介賓
  50. 張氏類經 張介賓
  51. 醫學衷中參西錄 v.下 張錫純
  52. 黃帝內經素問 張隱庵(註);馬元台(註)
  53. 黃帝內經靈樞 張隱庵(註);馬元台(註)
  54. 儒門事親 v.七 張子和
  55. 金궤要略方論 張仲景
  56. 醫學心悟 程國彭
  57. 聖濟總錄 政和曺孝忠(等)
  58. 活人書(圖書集成醫部全錄) v.13 朱肱
  59. 丹溪心法附餘 朱震亨
  60. 中醫證候鑑別診斷學 中國中醫硏究院
  61. 圖書集成醫部全錄 v.13 陳夢雷纂
  62. 金궤要略淺註 陳修園
  63. 傷寒論淺註(陳修園醫書五十種) v.四 陳修園
  64. 傷寒醫訣곳解(陳修園醫書五十種) v.二 陳修園
  65. 時方妙用(陳修園醫書五十種) v.四 陳修園
  66. 醫學實在易(陳修園醫書五十種) v.三 陳修園
  67. 中醫雜誌 v.28 no.7 胃家實芻議 陳亦人
  68. 中醫雜誌 v.28 no.4 關于 胃家實的 探討 陳永堯
  69. 舌診硏究 陳澤霖;陳梅芳
  70. 中義雜誌 v.28 no.5 也談胃家實 학萬山
  71. 華陀神方秘傳 華陀
  72. 急性란尾炎藥物新療法 黃省三