Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition (한국식품영양과학회지)
- Volume 18 Issue 3
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- Pages.287-299
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- 1989
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- 1226-3311(pISSN)
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- 2288-5978(eISSN)
Changes of Corn Proteins and Lipids induced by Thermal Processing
옥수수 가열가공처리에 의한 단백질 및 지질성분의 변화
Cho, Sung-Hwan
(Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Gyeongsang National University) ;
- Yoon, Zoo-Lk (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Gyeongsang National University)
- Published : 1989.09.30
This research was conducted in order to investigate thermal stability and nutritional value of corn lipids and proteins during thermal processing. The lipids of raw and popped corn were fractionated and analyzed by column and gas chromatography. The effect of thermal processing on corn proteins was examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and amino acid analysis. There was no remarkable change in proximate compositions during thermal processing. The lipid fractions obtained by silicic acid column chromatography were composed of neutral lipid(93.5%), glycolipid(3.8%), and phospholipid(2.7%), Although the thermal processing showed the increase in the ratio of unsaturated/saturated fatty acid, there was no significant differences in the lipid composition between raw and popped corn. Most of each protein fractions had lower molecular weight than 25,000 dalton and albumin fractions were distributed in the molecular weight range 11,500-94,000 daltons. Popped corn proteins did not show marked differences in their electrophoretic migrations when compared with raw corn proteins.
폭렬종 옥수수를 가열가공 처리하여 가열 처리과정중에 일어나는 단백질 및 지질의 열안정성을 검토한 결과 옥수수 가열 가공 처리에 따른 영양학적 평가의 기초자료를 얻을 수 있었다. 폭렬종 옥수수의 중성지지질은 93.5%에서 95.5%로 가열 처리 후 당지질 및 인지질의 상대적 함량이 감소하는 반면, 중성지질은 증가하였다. 전지질과 중성지질의 구성지방산은 가열처리 후 불포화 지방산이 상당히 증가하였고, 당지질과 인지질의 구성지방산은 가열처리 후 당지질의 경우 margaric acid가, 인지질의 경우 linoleic acid의 함량이 각각 증가하였다. 가열처리후 albumin분획은 lysine이 다소 증가하고, aspartic acid, arginine등은 급격히 감소하였으며, globuline분획도 이와 비슷하였다. zein분획은 glutamic acid, proline, leucine, alanine등을 적게 함유하였으며, 가열처리에 의해 함량변화가 거의 없었다. 한편, glutelin분획은 zein분획과 비교하여 lysine, histidine등을 많이 함유하는 반면, glutamic acid는 적었고, 가열처리에 의한 변화도 거의 없었다.