쌀과 분리대두단백 혼합에 따른 조직화 특성

The Texturization Properties of Textured Extrudate made by a Mixture of Rice Flour and Isolated Soybean Protein

  • 발행 : 1989.12.01


쌀과 분리대두단백 혼합에 따른 조직화 특성에서 쌀 혼합량 30%까지 증가할수록 토출구온도, 수용성 질소지수 및 조직잔사지수가 떨어지며 씹힘성과 검성이 감하여 부드러운 조직감이 형성되었다. 또한 쌀혼합량의 증가에 따라 최종 제품의 수분함량은 증가되었으나 밀도에는 변화가 없었고 재흡수력은 감소하는 경향이었다. 한편 복원 후에는 제품의 명도가 밝아졌다. 압출성형 준의 압력분포는 $15{\sim}100kg/cm^3$의 범위였다. 미세구조에서는 쌀혼합량이 증가할수록 기공의 크기가 증대하였으며 쌀 전분질이 호화된 표면구조를 지니고 있었다.

The texturization properties of extrudate from isolated soybean protein and rice flour by extrusion cooking were investigated. The addition of up to 30% rice flur to isolated soy proetin could give more tenderness to the texturized extrudate. As the rice flour content increased, die temperature, nitrogen solubility index, and integrity index were decreased slightly with lower chewiness and gumminess. The water content of final extrudate was increased as the addition of rice flour increased, while density was maintained without variation, and rehydration ratio was decreased. The distribution of pressure profile during extrusion were in the range of $15-100kg/cm^3$. As the addition of rice flour increased, scanning electron micrographs demonstrated the gelatinized surface structure of rice starch and the increased air cell size of the testurized extrudate.
