A Case of Hepatitis Developing after Open Heart Surgery used Halothane Anesthesia

개심술 마취후 발생한 급성간염 1례

  • Koo, Bon-Up (Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University)
  • 구본업 (영남대학교 의과대학 마취과학교실)
  • Published : 1988.12.30


Although halothane is one of the most widely used inhalation anesthetics, it may cause postanesthetic complications such as halothane hepatitis. Halothane hepatitis has been reported intermittentely with variable incidence. However it is not easy to prove halothane as a causative agent, because there are many factors causing postoperative hepatic dysfunction. The author had a case of acute hepatitis developing after open heart surgery used halothane. 37-year-old female underwent an open heart surgery for ASD repair under halothane anesthesia On the 14th postoperative day, she developed high fever of 38 C. Liver function tests showed marked elevation of SGOT, SGPT, and bilirubin, followed by gross jaundice. HB, Ag(-) and HB, Ab(+) were reported. She died of acute respiratory, hepatic, and renal failure on the 19th postoperative day Possible causes of the hepatitis were considered halothane, blood transfusion, and drugs.

37세의 여자 환자가 halothane 마취로 개심술후 14일에 고열, 황달등이 발생하여 급성 간염으로 진단을 받아 치료하던 중 19일째 사망한 예로 급성간염의 원인이 수혈에 의한 virus성 간염과 halothane에 의한 간염, 기타 약제나 수술의 특수조작에 의한 간염 인가를 대조 검토하였으나 정확한 원인을 규명할 수는 없었다.
