山地草地에 對한 有機質 複合肥料의 施用에 關한 硏究 Ⅰ. 有機質 複合肥料의 施用이 混燔牧草의 乾物收量과 植生變化에 미치는 影響

Studies on Application of Organic-Compound Fertilizer on Hilly Mixed Sward Ⅰ. Effect of organic-compound fertilizer application on dry matter yield and botanical composition of grass-clover mixtures

  • 발행 : 1988.05.01


山地초지에 고토와 함유된 有機質複合비료의 施用이 목장의 건물수량, 수량구성요소 및 식생변화에 마치는 影響을 究明코자 비종과 시비수준을 달리한 5處理를 亂塊法 3反復으로 團場配置하여 1984年 9月부터 1986年 10月까지 水原 근교의 신 개척지에서 本 試餘을 수행하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 목장의 耐冬性, 生育勢 및 被覆率 等 初期生 育狀態는 有機質複함포료 施用區가 단비시용에 比해 良好하였다. 2. 2年평균 목장의 乾物收量은 시비水準間에는 有意差있는 增收했果가 있었으며, 少肥施用水準에서 단비구의 乾物수량 7,930.6kg/ha에 比해 有機質 複合비료 施用區는 8,693.1kg/ha로서10%, 普肥施 用水準에서는 單肥區의 11,122.6kg/ha에 比해 有機 質複合肥料 施用區는 12,758.7kg/ha를 生産하여 15% 회수되었으나 有意性은 없었다. 3. 植牛別 건물수량은 未本科 救草의 경우 施肥量이 많아짐에 따라 有意差있게 증가하였으며 (P<0.01), 荳科救草의 收量은 無肥區는 施肥區(少肥, 普肥)에 比해 顧著히 회수되었으나(P< 0.01), 少肥와 普肥施用水準 問에는 有意性이 없었다. 한편 肥種問에서는 有機質複合肥料 施用區가 單肥에 比해 未本科 목초는 8-14%, 荳科는 26-29% 增收되었으나 有意性은 없었다. 4.. 植生構成比率은 草地管理時에 施肥 하지 않은 곳은 荳科의 優古現象이 나타났으나, 3要素 施用區는 植生比率 및 목초율이 적합하였으며, 유기質複合비료 施用區의 荳科比率은 單肥施用區에 比해 漸次 增加되는 碩向이였다. 5. 試嚴後 士壞의 化學成分은 試餘前에比해 顯 著히 높아졌으나 施肥水準을 平均하여 볼때 有機質 複合nE料 施用區는 單肥에 比해 有機物과 有郊憐嚴含量은 높았고, pH 및 置換性 醒基는 若千 낮은 碩向이었다.

With a purpose of finding out the effects of magnesium and boron enriched organic-compound fertilizer application on the dry matter yield, yield components and changes in the botanical composition on the hilly pasture, a field experiment was arranged with five different treatments as a randomized block desigh and lasted from September, 1984 to the end of growing season in 1986. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. As a early plant growth and development, winter hardiness, growth vigour and coverate of grasses at the plots with organic-compound fertilizer application were better comparing to single dressing. 2. Average dry matter yields for two years were shown significantly high due to increasing amount of fertilizer. This trend was same both single and organic-compound fertilizer. And dry matter yields with organic-compound fertilizer application of low (8,693.1 kg/ha) and conventional level (12,758.7 kg/ha) were appeared to increase by 10 and 15% than those of single dressing of Low (7,930.6 kg/ha) and conventional level (11,122.6 kg/ha), respectively. But it was not significant difference. 3. Dry matter yield of grasses was significantly gained by increasing amount of fertilizer. The yield of legumes at the plots with organic-compound fertilizer application the yields of grasses were a litle more increased by 8-14%, and legumes were much more gained by 26-29% than those of the same species groups with single dressing, but it was not significant between the differnet kinds of fertilizer in the same fertilizing level. 4. At the grassland management, the rate of legumes tended to dominate at the plot without fertilization gradually. On the other hand, the botanical compositions and the rates of grasses were much better maintained at the plots with fertilization. But the rates of legumes with organic-compound fertilizer application tended to increase a little more than those of single dressing gradually. 5. All of the soil chemical properties after the experiment were much more improved comparing to before the experiment. But the average contents of soil organic matter and available $P_2O_5$ were slightly higher at the plot with organic-compound fertilization, on the other hand, pH and exchangeable cations tended to a little less than those of single dressing.
