다단계제조공정의 품질개선을 위한 종속대안선택 근사해법

Heuristic Algorithm for Selecting Mutually Dependent Qualify Improvement Alternatives of Multi-Stage Manufacturing Process

  • 발행 : 1988.11.01


This study is concerned with selecting mutually dependent quality improvement alternatives with resource constraints. These qualify improvement alternatives art different fro the tradition at alternatives which are independent from each other. In other words, selection of any improvement alternative requires other related specific improvement. Also the overall product quality in a multi stage manufacturing process is characterized by a complex multiplication method rather than a simple addition method which dose not allow to solve a linear knapsack problem despite its popularity in the traditional study. This study suggests a non-linear integer programming model for selecting mutually dependent quality improvement alternatives in multi-stage manufacturing process. In order to apply the model to selecting alternatives. This study also suggests a heuristic mode1 based on a dynamic programming model which is more practical than the non-linear integer programming model. The logic of the heuristic model enables 1) to estimate improvement effectiveness values on all improvement alternatives specifically defined for this study. 2) to arrange the effectiveness values in a descending order, and 3) to select the best one among the alternatives based on their forward and backward linkage relationships. This process repeats to selects other best alternatives within the resource constraints. This process is presented in a Computer programming in Appendix A. Alsc a numerical example of model application is presented in Chapter 4.
