벼멸구의 비래와 기상과의 관계

Relationship between Some Weather Conditions and Immigration of the Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal

  • 발행 : 1988.12.01


1981년부터 '87년 7년간 전국 151개 예찰소에 유아등으로 채집한 별멸구 유살성적을 비래파별로 구분하고 일일기상도와 850mb천기도를 근거로 비래시기의 기상형채를 검토한 결과 1)벼멸구의 주비래시기는 연도에 따라 차이가 있지만 주로 7월 중.하순이었다. 2) 비래량은 7월 하순에 가까울수록 많았으며 비래지역도 넓어졌다. 3)벼멸구 비래가 있었던 시기의 기상은 전선을 동반한 저기압이 우리나라를 통과할 때(A type)가 12회로 가장 많았고, 전선과 저기압이 남해안과 제주도를 통과할 때(B type)가 5회, 전선만이 걸쳐 있을 때 (C type)기 7회, 전선과 저기압이 통과가없을 때 (D type)가 2회 기록되었다. 4) 어니 브래형테에서나 우리나라 서남지방부터 비래가 있었으며, 이 지역이 비래량도 많았다. 5)비래시기에 기상의 공통점은 850mb천기도상에서 비래원으로 추정되는 중국 남부지방으로부터 남서풍이 불어오고 있었으며(26회중 26회), 강우전선은 26회중 24회, 저기압은 26회중 17회였다. 6)이상의 결과로 벼멸구는 중국으로부터 남서기류를 따라 이동해 오면 이동하는 과정에서 낙하를 유발하는 조건(전선등)이 있을 때 지상으로 떨어지는 것으로 생각된다.

ABSTRACT Brown planthopper collection data by 151 light traps located throughout the southern part of Korean peninsula for 7 years from 1981 thru 1987 were analysed with each immigration wave in relation to daily weather charts when the immigration occurred, and summarized as below. 1) Most of the main immigration took place during the mid and late July, though there were some variations from year to year. 2) Number of the BPH collected at one time, and the number of the area where those immigrants where collected were increased when it occurred closer to the end of July. 3) Weather conditions when the immigration took place were divided into 4 types; (a) depression with stationary front passed over the central peninsula (A type, 12 times); (b) depression with stationary front passed over the southern sea (B type, 5 times); (c) stationary front passed over the central peninsula(C type, 7 times); (d) without depression and stationary front (D type, 2 times). 4) Whatever the types of the weather, those immigrations started to land from south-west part of the peninsula, and those numbers of immigrants were also grater at those south-western areas. 5) When common weather factors were counted from each weather chart of the days when thcse immigrations took place, presence of wind from south-west was 26 times, presence of stationary front was 24 times, and presence of depression was 17 times out of all 26 cases of immigration. 6) Therefore, it could be concluded that the immigration of the BPH into Korea is simply accompanied by the north$.$easterly flowing air currents, connected from south-east part of China through Korean peninsula. And other factors seem to be related with inducing their landing.anding.
